The main job of omudspersons is to communicate respectfully with people, both those who have a need to turn to someone independent and those who are identified as perpetrators of unethical behaviour. At the same time, this direct work leads to dilemmas that cannot be overcome by referring to the basic principles of our work, such as credibility, neutrality or informality. Challenging incentives also place high demands on ombudsmen to choose appropriate procedures, interventions and maintain professional perspective.
The Colloquium programme aims to offer a broader range of possible insights into the notifications addressed and the variety of approaches that should be considered in the ombudsman agenda. A separate and important topic is contractingwhich determines how the ombudsman enters the process, how the contract is negotiated and helps set realistic goals for all parties involved. Consequently, we would like to outline three principles that can assist ombudsmen in thinking about the notifications made to them and the appropriate resolution procedures.
The first is the so-called. victim-centred approach, a principle applied in the helping professions when working with traumatised persons and victims, where the traumatised person/victim is at the forefront and the emphasis is on a respectful approach to her/him and the guarantee of primary trust in what they share. As a possible further inspiration, we offer an approximation of the principles of restorative justicewhich seeks to break down rigid patterns of conflict resolution, such as the unforgiving division between victims and perpetrators or the insistence on punishment as the only effective solution. Dialogue, the possibility of reflecting on one's own actions and the possibility of making amends and continuing to work together are in fact ways that we as ombudspersons often also seek. The third phenomenon is triangle of interdependence, or also the so-called dramatic triangle, which shapes the participants in the action into an imaginary triad "victim - aggressor - rescuer", sometimes becoming a Bermuda Triangle and can be a trap for the ombudsman himself.
We believe that the programme of the Colloquium will be varied, enriching with new knowledge for practice and creating space for mutual discussion, which often results in further dilemmas and questions.
Registration for the colloquium is now open!
Thursday 16 January
Faculty of Education, Veleslavínova 42, room VC 301
9:30 - 10:00 Presentation, online registration, refreshments
10:00 - 10:30 Welcome and opening remarks
- Miroslav Lávička, Rector of ZČU
- Petr Šimon, ZČU Ombudsman
- Jaroslav Šotola and Pavlína Junová, SOP Committee
10:30 - 10:45 Presentation of the Association of Corporate Ombudsmen of the Czech Republic
- Dana Potočková, President of the Association of Corporate Ombudsmen of the Czech Republic
10:45 - 12:30 Empathy, Attention and Respect Approach - lecture and group work
- Brent Epperson, Ombudsman at University of Luxembourg; Saint Paul University Otawa
12:30 -14:00 Lunch break, networking area
14:00 - 16:00 Presentation and follow-up discussion
- Victim centered approach: Kristýna Pešáková
- The triangle of interdependence: Alice Koubová
- Restorative justice: Petra Masopust Chess
16:00 - 16:30 Joint closing of the colloquium
Friday 17 January
Faculty of Engineering, Univerzitní 22 (Bory campus), room UV 115b
Friday's program is designed for SOP membership and those interested in joining the School Ombuds Platform.
9:00 - 10:30 Membership Meeting - Information on activities in 2024
- Evaluation of activities in the first year of operation
11:00-13:00 Presentation of the activity plan of the ŠOP Association
- A moderated discussion on the situation of ombudsmen at universities in the Czech Republic and activities for 2025.