
What's happened here recently


Plán aktivit pro akademický rok 2024/25

Představujeme program činnosti Školské ombuds platformy pro nadcházející období. Naleznete na něm jak kazuistická intervizní setkání (pouze pro řádné členky a členy ŠOP), tak i vzdělávací webináře a kulaté stoly. A hlavně se těšíme na setkání na kolokviu naší platformy, které pořádáme 16. ledna 2025 na ZČU v Plzni.    

Účastníci konference stojící ve skupině před bílou budovou.

A look back at the ENOHE 2024 conference in Portugal

From 12 to 14 June 2024, the annual ENOHE (European Network for Ombuds in Higher Education) conference entitled: From Plato's Academy to Portugal was held in Covilhã, Portugal, at the Universidade da Beira Interior: Democracy, Diversity, and the role of the ombudsperson in higher education. The theme of the conference resonated with the celebration of 50 years since the restoration of the Portuguese



A case interview will be held on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., for full members of the SOP. The meeting will be conducted online. We will cover live cases, issues and topics from the ombuds agenda that you bring. The goal of the interviews is collegial support, sharing of experiences, reinforcement of appropriate methodology and prevention of burnout. Of course, it is important to maintain


Universities will be obliged to set up contact points to deal with discrimination and provide a safe social environment

The government has approved an amendment to the Higher Education Act that will require all universities to designate persons to deal with notifications from students of violations of the principle of equal treatment. The government complied with a comment made by its Human Rights Commissioner and former FAMU ombudsman Klara Šimáčková Laurenčíková, who pointed out the need to have ombudsmen in all universities. In the explanatory memorandum


Meeting of AVUni Ombudsmen in Brno

On Wednesday 13 March 2024, a meeting of ombudsmen from more than 10 public universities took place at the Rector's Office of Masaryk University in Brno. The aim was to present and discuss preventive measures to promote social safety in the university environment.


The first meeting of Czech and Polish ombudsmen took place in Těšín

The membership of the Executive Committees discussed joint initiatives as well as the challenges facing the two organisations of university ombudsmen. These include physical and social safety on university campuses and ensuring the independence and effectiveness of ombudsmen in light of the dynamic changes in Czech and Polish society. Both associations consider the international exchange of experience in the Central European region to be


COP Colloquium 18-19 January 2024

The second annual colloquium of the School Ombuds Platform was held at the Office of the Ombudsman in Brno. The two-day event brought together more than 50 people from academia to discuss various aspects of social safety and equity issues in higher education institutions.

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