COP Colloquium 18-19 January 2024

The second annual colloquium of the School Ombuds Platform was held at the Office of the Ombudsman in Brno. The two-day event brought together more than 50 people from academia to discuss various aspects of social safety and equity issues in higher education institutions.

We organized the Brno colloquium of the School Ombuds Platform in a situation when a significant number of Czech universities have already introduced the position of a person focused on the protection of students' rights. The time has come to clarify our understanding of what our work is and how we do it. There may be a widespread perception that the ombudsperson is a lone figure who heroically stands up against injustice in the system. Rather, we wanted to introduce a relational conception of our work, in which our strengths lie in operating within a network of relationships.

The aim of the colloquium was to jointly discuss possible models for nurturing an inclusive university environment based on networking, on three levels: firstly, linking with relevant actors within the institution - the management of the school or individual parts, senators, lecturers, counselling centres, etc. On the second level is the intensive cooperation of the ombudsmen themselves, based on the confidential sharing of case progress during interviews. Finally, the purpose was to invite other bodies that also deal with the issues of social security and fair environment in universities to discuss and collaborate.

The first day was devoted to the functioning of the platform, which aims to bring together and connect school ombudsmen and to support the dissemination of the institution of ombudsmen. The institution of ombudsmen in public universities in the Czech Republic is still very new and lacks an anchor in a publicly binding regulation. Therefore, positions with different competences and responsibilities are being created and there is a great diversity among HEI ombudsmen. This is why there is such a need to create a space for the discrete sharing of experiences from specific cases and the procedures used in them, and to generally increase the expertise and quality of the services of ombudsmen, both student and university staff.

A separate session was moderated by Pavla Špondrová, Ombudsman of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. The topic of the block was the possibility of reflection on the tragic event at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University on 21 December 2023 by individual ombudsmen. Participants had the opportunity to express their thoughts related to the event. There was also space to express and share any visions or concerns that are associated with the event. "We began by lighting a candle and pausing in silence to express our condolences to the victims, survivors and those affected. The moderated reflection also allowed us to share personal experiences, the sharing was very empowering from my perspective. On behalf of the SOP Committee, I would like to highlight our readiness to participate in the creation of a system of care and offerings to strengthen safety on college campuses, both on a physical and, from our perspective, a very important social level. The theme of resilience, social safety, mental health or wellbeing is one that ombuds people can be involved in developing, and are prepared to do so," said Pavla Špondrová.

Friday's meeting was opened by Vít Alexander Schorm, Deputy Ombudsman, who welcomed the participants to the premises of the Office and expressed his joy at the growing number of ombudsmen at universities. Karolína Gondková, the representative of the Ministry of Education and Science, Director of the Department of Higher Education, also gave an introductory speech. The participants then watched a video greeting by Klara Šimáček Laurenčíková, the current Government Commissioner for Human Rights, who was at the birth of the colloquium (while still as FAMU ombudsperson), as well as the ombuds platform itself.

The panel discussion entitled "University Ombudsmen in a Network of Relationships" focused on the main theme of the colloquium. Its participants, representing university management or students, discussed the pitfalls associated with the introduction of ombudspersons. Panelists agreed that ombudspersons are often expected to deliver results that they cannot achieve because they do not have decision-making power. School leaders should take the recommendations of ombudsmen seriously and put them into practice. At the same time, the presence of ombudsmen in the institution who see problems from a different perspective and bring them to the attention of school management is actually one of the mechanisms for improving the quality of the organisation as a whole.

The international dimension of the cooperation was represented by Jan Gałkowski, the ombudsman of the University of Rzeszów and also the secretary of the Polish Association of Ombudsmen (Akademicka Sieć Bezpieczeństwa i Równości), with which the Czech platform has established cooperation. The colloquium was then closed with a practical session outlining expectations and possibilities of cooperation within the academic environment. It took place in a novel form of "speed dating" with persons representing institutions that can be important partners of ombudsmen (counselling centres, student organisations, etc.).

According to Pavlína Junová, FAMU ombudsperson and vice-chair of the platform, the colloquium felt the spirit of belonging and of an academic community that can face difficult situations, but at the same time can draw on the experiences of people who bring the topic of physical and social safety into the university environment. "I find the metaphor of women defenders as bridge-builders who overcome divisions and misunderstandings to be a powerful one," added Junová.

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