
School ombudsman platform Associated by a Represented by ombudsmen at Czech Schools.



We are Independent, non-political a non-profit organizations, which was created. by way of Written by Association v year 2023, in Follow-up at extension posts protectors and Defenders rights of learners at Universities.

For a fairer and safer university environment

The purpose of platforms is Share with at creating secure a Fair environment at educational institutions via Positions ombudsmen. He goes o important tool Prevention Problematic phenomena i Strengthening support Social safe a Fair access.

What we want to achieve

Bringing together and connecting

Associate Link a Support School ombudsmen a Represent is In Public space

Create space

Create space For Discreet Share this experience z specific cases a procedures v them used a Overall Increase Expertise a quality services ombudsman

Promote dissemination

Support Dissemination Institute ombudsman at Czech Schools a provide advice For interested o its to be introduced

Enable and moderate discussion

Enable a moderate professional Interdisciplinary Discussion o Ethical environment at Schools a role ombudsman At its Cultivation

Bringing proven methods

To bring proven methods from abroad to the Czech Republic and to represent school ombudsmen at international level

Inform the public

To inform the professional and lay public about the principles, procedures and objectives of the ombudsman institute and about current developments in this area

Platform Committee

Jaroslav Šotola

Chairman of the Platform

Pavlína Junová
placeChairwoman of the PLATFORM

Pavla Špondrová
committee member

Michaela Antonín Malaníková
committee member

Petr Polák
Secretary of PLATFORM

The RCS Student Chamber has long advocated for the introduction of ombudsmen as an important mechanism for ensuring a safe environment at universities. 
Collaboration with the School Ombuds Platform is important in this regard and beneficial for further systematization and support.

Michal Farnik

President of the RVŠ SK

I see ombudsmen as another necessary link in the system of building a quality academic environment in our universities.
The SOP has become an important partner for us at AVŠP in promoting the idea of an inclusive environment free from elements of discrimination and any form of inappropriate behaviour and actions.

Barbora Čalkovská


What about us

They support us

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Are you familiar with the topic of protection of rights and social security in educational institutions? Join our platform activities and become part of a community of like-minded people.


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